Each Lesson is based on a well known Bluegrass tune or song, and contains a number of sound files and some accompanying videos.
The Sound Files are recorded at three different speeds for most of the lessons - Learning Speed, Slow Jam, and Performance. For a bit more information about these click on the 'Whats in a Lesson' link on the Home page. Note that for some of the slower tunes, there are no Slow Jam recordings.
Each instrument's part has been recorded by a well-known bluegrass player, and for each tune, they have recorded two different solos as part of the track - typically an easier one which follows the tune, and then a more embellished one. The different tempos are recorded separately - there is no electronic trickery used here! - but the players play the same notes each time. For each of the different tempos within a song, there are recordings with the whole band playing, the instrument on its own, and the band without the instrument.
Alongside the recordings you can find the solos transcribed in Tab and/or Notation depending on the instrument you play. Both the Simple and Advanced versions can be found here.
Finally, we have videoed the performers close up so that you can see what they are playing - in many cases from a couple of different angles so you can see what the left and right hands do, for example.
So start off with the learning Speed mixes. Find one for your instrument, and listen to it to get to know the tune. When you feel confident start playing along with the backing track. For more information about the different mixes available click here.
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Welcome to Bluegrass
We offer online lessons
from the masters of
bluegrass for banjo,
bass, dobro, fiddle,
guitar and mandolin.
Each lesson bundles
high quality videos,
mp3s and tab written
and recorded
exclusively for BGC by
our instructors to teach
you easier and
advanced solos, and